Community Protection

Community protection is a prominent theme throughout many of the Roundtable’s conversations. As a significant portion of land on the Front Range is located within the wildland-urban interface (WUI), the relationship between communities and forests is impossible to ignore.

The Community Protection Team (CPT), led by Megan Davis of Boulder County, work to ensure that issues important to communities are consistently communicated with other teams and members of the Roundtable. The CPT currently meets quarterly to serve as a communication, networking, and information exchange among professionals working on community wildfire protection, wildfire mitigation, and private landowner education. If you are interested in participating in the CPT, please contact us.

Members of the Roundtable rely on a solid body of literature to inform discussions regarding community protection. To better understand how the Roundtable understands the field of community protection, the wildland urban interface, fire mitigation, and community engagement, please search for “community protection” in the document database.

Fuels Treatment Partnership